Sunday, August 06, 2006

Veni, vidi, vinca

Ok, now picture a metallic cute, periwinkle flower.

Awww, forget it!

Just can't make a flower be manly.

Nobody puts Baby in a corner...?

So, I tried to write a love note to my wife. It went so far out in space, I started quoting entertainers. Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson), Michael Bolton (I celebrate his entire collection), and Patrick Swayze. That did it. I ripped the note to shreds. Truth be told, though, all I've ever needed to know I've learned from watching Dirty Dancing. (Of course I'm kidding. That's why I tore up the aforementioned love note.)

Friday, August 04, 2006


So, we're playing foosball, and I'm thinking to myself
There is soccer.
There are soccer moms.
There is foosball...

There are foosmoms?

Huh. Kinda makes you think.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I don't know who these people are...

I have been told that this is a picture from our wedding. And, if memory serves, not too many women there were wearing a wedding gown, so, the process of elimination being what it is, that could very well be my wife. As for the guy, maybe if you add 50 pounds and 10 years to him then, ok, maybe it is me. Maybe.

A stitch in time saves nine [stitches]

For years, I thought a stitch in time saved nine. Just the number. The scalar. It boggled my mind how a simple piece of thread could save a unitless quantity. But, then again, I thought to myself, I'm no seamstress. I'm not any ess for that matter. I am Mr. Metallic Vinca and this is my blog. Welcome.